
MDs, PhDs, PharmDs: all researchers

Most platforms working in the health sector offer to put you in contact with MDs (medical doctors) if you are a patient or with business strategists if you are a company. While we do have these options at Sci-dip, we mainly work with researchers who have spent years studying one particular disease. Researchers spend most of their time working in labs, trying to better understand the symptoms of a given illness or striving to find a cure to the toughest diseases out there. Their cutting-edge knowledge is rarely included in business decisions and this same knowledge takes 5 to 10 years to reach medical doctors and the clinic. Sci-dip wants to bridge this gap. We give you the possibility to put your hand on such information today, right now, right away. Why would you wait >5 years to get answers to your pressing questions?


Specialized in niche domains of the health sector

The experts we work with are health experts in niche therapeutic areas or life science domains. Often, they have even developed an expertise on one very specific symptom of a given disease, or one precise molecule. They are best positioned to conduct a state of the art literature review on your topic of interest, analyze collected data and provide an opinion / predict tendencies based on the information. They take the time to do it, and they have the sharp knowledge required for it.


Science communicators

Our experts are selected based on two criteria: their expertise, and their ability to share it. Their interest in Sci-dip makes them inherently good   communicators. They receive further training to make sure that they can answer your questions and give you the information you need. In an era where health science is niche and elitist, Sci-dip makes it both accessible and reliable.


Located wherever you are

Our experts are located all around the world and speak different languages. You can select experts in a close perimeter and you can specify the regional expertise you would like them to have.

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