We have a growing database of free-of-charge articles written by health experts holding sharp and advanced knowledge on specific health issues. If you can’t find what you are looking for in our database, you can use our services to order articles (on specific symptoms of specific disorders), literature reviews, or fundamental research analyses reports. You can also choose to be put in contact with a health expert ideally positioned to answer your pressing questions and give you more information on the disease you are either interested in or worried about.
If you did not find the information you were looking for, you can order articles
from our experts on very specific symptoms of a given disorder.
We offer a range of tailored offers to meet your expectations, whether it be :
- The punctual order of one article to answer a specific question on one symptom or one disorder.
- A monthly subscription to regularly follow the scientific advances on a given pathology, namely on a progressive or chronic disease that you or someone you love lives with.
- A general package of articles to obtain a 360° view of scientific advances of one or more illnesses.
If you are looking for advice on a pathology, we can put you in contact with an expert directly.
We offer a list of services enabling you to contact our experts directly to request advice, either by email, telephone or video-conference. For the most enthusiastic among you, it is possible to take out an annual subscription to meet regularly with the panel of experts of your choice. For more details, please click on the service form.
If you are looking to implement R&D or if you need a health expert for a specific mission, we use our pool of talents to help you reach your KPIs.
Contact us for more information.